Number Functions


Returns 1


Returns 2

ROUND(1.239, 3)

Returns 1.24

Like the Excel function, this rounds the first argument to the number of decimals of the second argument. Make sure to also set the number of decimals on the formula field to match it, otherwise extra zero's will be added.

FORMATTED_VALUE(value, number_of_decimals)

Show a number value with a certain number of decimals. Can also be used inside Text String in a formula, for example: IF(@NumberField >50, "FORMATTED_VALUE(@FormulaField, 3) items", "Try again")

FVSCHEDULE(principal, schedule [,modifier])

Calculate the future value of an investment with a variable interest rate.

FVSCHEDULE( @NumberField, FINDIFS_ALL(T1!B, T1!A, ">= @QF From ", T1!A, "< @QK To ") )

This will calculate the future value of @NumberField when applied with the variable interest rates found in Table 1, based on the first column (T1!A) being between @QF and @QK

FV(rate, periods, payment, value, type)

Return the future value of an investment.

IRR(values, [guess])

Internal Rate of Return

NPV(rate, value1, [value2, ...])

Net Present Value

NPV2(rate, values)

Net Present Value with a Table column

RANDOM(ID, [max])

Random number between 0 and max-1

RANDOM(111, 4) will return a random number between 0 and 3 (so 0, 1, 2 or 3)
RANDOM(111) will return the same number as above, and RANDOM (222, 100) will return a random number between 0 and 99

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