Airtable is a service that makes it a breeze to handle data in a spreadsheet interface.
To send calculator results to Airtable go to Settings / Integrations and click the "Details" button for Airtable.
Here you'll need to enter your Airtable Personal Access Token
Create it in your Airtable account page
Set the permissions: data.records:read, data.records:write and schema.bases:read
Back on the InteractiveCalculator Airtable integration, also add your Base ID (get it by clicking your Workspace in the API documentation page) and your Table Name (double click the table name in the Airtable inteface to copy it).
After you click "(Re)Load Fields" you will see a list of InteractiveCalculator fields and Airtable fields that you can map to each other. Now each field from IC will be sent to the corresponding Airtable field when the calculator is submitted.